40 results found

Search Results for: carrier protein

Carrier protein

Carrier protein is a type of cell membrane protein involved in facilitated diffusion and active transport of substances out... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More

Facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a biological membrane from an area of higher concentration to an... Read More


Enzymes can break down complicated large molecules into simpler smaller ones, they can combine small molecules or atoms to... Read More


In biology, transport refers to the act or the means by which a molecule or ion is moved across the cell membrane or via the... Read More

Steroid hormone

Definition noun, plural: steroid hormones A type of steroid that acts as a hormone, and that which is exemplified by sex... Read More


In cell biology, the nucleus is the large, membrane-bounded organelle that contains the genetic material in the form of... Read More


Definition noun, plural: carriers (general) A person or object that transports or conveys. (immunology) An asymptomatic... Read More

Sex-linked trait

Definition of Sex-Linked Traits A sex-linked trait is an observable characteristic of an organism that is influenced by the... Read More


Albumin Definition What is albumin? Is albumin a protein? In biology, albumin is a protein that is responsible for the... Read More


The anticodon is a special code on tRNA that matches up with the instructions on the mRNA thus making sure that the... Read More


Definition noun The transport of molecule or ion across a membrane through facilitated diffusion without coupling to the... Read More

Light-dependent reaction

Many organisms, such as green plants, convert light energy into chemical energy through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In... Read More


What is alanine? Alanine is a non-essential amino acid. There are two types of amino acids for mammals namely essential and... Read More

Krebs cycle

Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is a fundamental metabolic pathway that... Read More


Erythrocyte Definition Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are the myeloid series of specialized cells that play an... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More

Selectively-permeable membrane

Selectively Permeable Membrane Definition We can define selectively permeable membranes as those that are selectively... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More


Conjugate Definition Conjugate in a broader sense refers to related pairs of substances or entities that are interconnected... Read More


Polymorphism Definition The occurrence of two or more different forms or morphs in the population of a species is referred... Read More

Chemiosmotic hypothesis

Definition noun A theory postulated by the biochemist Peter Mitchell in 1961 to describe ATP synthesis by way of a proton... Read More

Active transport

Active transport is a type of cellular transport in which substances (e.g. ions, glucose, and amino acids) are transported... Read More

Simple diffusion

Diffusion is essential in the anatomy and physiology of a living thing, especially with regard to homeostasis. It is one of... Read More

Chemiosmotic theory

Definition noun A theory postulated by the biochemist Peter Mitchell in 1961 to describe ATP synthesis by way of a proton... Read More

Chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis

Definition noun A theory postulated by the biochemist Peter Mitchell in 1961 to describe ATP synthesis by way of a proton... Read More


Nucleotide Definition A nucleotide is regarded as the basic building block of nucleic acid (e.g. DNA and RNA). A nucleic... Read More


Chromatin Definition What is chromatin in a cell? Chromatin is a complex of nucleic acids (e.g. DNA or RNA) and proteins... Read More


Definition noun, plural: haptenes A substance that induces immune response when bound to a carrier protein or to large... Read More


Definition noun, plural: haptens A substance that induces immune response when bound to a carrier protein or to large... Read More


Definition noun plural: lactoses lac·tose, ˈlæk.toʊs A disaccharide (chemical formula: C12H22O11) made up of one... Read More

Plasma membrane

Do all cells have a plasma (or cell) membrane? Yes, all cells have a biological membrane that separates the protoplasm from... Read More

Neutral mutation

Neutral Mutation Definition What is a neutral mutation? Neutral mutations are the alterations in the DNA that are... Read More

Biological Cell Introduction

It only takes one biological cell to create an organism. In fact, there are countless species of single-celled organisms,... Read More


permease (Science: enzyme) general term for a membrane protein that increases the permeability of the plasma membrane to a... Read More

Body fluid

Body Fluids Definition What is body fluid? Literally, body fluid is the fluid of the body. The adult human body is ~50-60%... Read More


Biology Definition Biology is the branch of science that primarily deals with the structure, function, growth, evolution,... Read More

Calvin cycle

Calvin Cycle Definition The Calvin cycle, also known as the Calvin Benson cycle or the dark reactions, is a series of... Read More


Definition noun plural: dinucleotides di·nu·cle·o·tide, daɪ njuːklɪəˌtaɪd An organic compound comprised of two... Read More


Definition noun, plural: thyroxines An iodine-containing hormone (chemical formula: C15H11I4NO4) produced by the thyroid... Read More